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Category: Sharing searching

Criteria: Is there an explanation of how the share interface works provided or linked to in the interface itself?

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Andi Search Metaphor Perplexity AI Phind You.com
Is there an explanation of how the share interface works provided or linked to in the interface itself?


(1) The share interface in OpenAI's ChatGPT has a "More Info " link to their FAQ page: ChatGPT Shared Links FAQ:
OpenAI's ChatGPT share interface showing a more info link at the bottom.

(2) The share interface in Google's Bard has a "Learn more" link to a Bard Help page: Share your Bard chats: Bard share chat interface, showing a learn more link at the bottom.

The share link interface consists of the button, with a lock and labelled 'Share', and a popup showing the current 'Secret' state and an option to make 'Shareable:
Perplexity AI share link showing the current 'Secret' state and an option to make 'Shareable'.
Clicking 'Shareable' copies the link and presents options to facilitate sharing directly to Twitter, WhatsApp, and Facebook:
Perplexity AI share link showing 'shareable' selected, that it copied link to clipboard, and share options.


The share link interface consists of the share button icon and a popup:
Phind share link showing only Copy Link and Twitter.


The share link interface consists of the share button icon and a popup which says 'Share YouChat transcript' and 'Anyone with a link will be able to view your full transcript with YouChat in this session.' and presents a link to the search:
You.com Chat share link showing the text: 'Share YouChat transcript' and 'Anyone with a link will be able to view your full transcript with YouChat in this session.' and a link: 'https://you.com/search?q=who+are+you&tbm=youchat'.


(1) The share interface in OpenAI's ChatGPT has a "More Info " link to their FAQ page: ChatGPT Shared Links FAQ:
OpenAI's ChatGPT share interface showing a more info link at the bottom.

(2) The share interface in Google's Bard has a "Learn more" link to a Bard Help page: Share your Bard chats: Bard share chat interface, showing a learn more link at the bottom.

Is there an explanation of how the share interface works provided or linked to in the interface itself?


Is there an explanation of how the share interface works provided or linked to in the interface itself?


Is there an explanation of how the share interface works provided or linked to in the interface itself?


The share link interface consists of the button, with a lock and labelled 'Share', and a popup showing the current 'Secret' state and an option to make 'Shareable:
Perplexity AI share link showing the current 'Secret' state and an option to make 'Shareable'.
Clicking 'Shareable' copies the link and presents options to facilitate sharing directly to Twitter, WhatsApp, and Facebook:
Perplexity AI share link showing 'shareable' selected, that it copied link to clipboard, and share options.

Is there an explanation of how the share interface works provided or linked to in the interface itself?


The share link interface consists of the share button icon and a popup:
Phind share link showing only Copy Link and Twitter.

Is there an explanation of how the share interface works provided or linked to in the interface itself?


The share link interface consists of the share button icon and a popup which says 'Share YouChat transcript' and 'Anyone with a link will be able to view your full transcript with YouChat in this session.' and presents a link to the search:
You.com Chat share link showing the text: 'Share YouChat transcript' and 'Anyone with a link will be able to view your full transcript with YouChat in this session.' and a link: 'https://you.com/search?q=who+are+you&tbm=youchat'.