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Category: Supporting feedback

Criteria: Can users opt-in to contribute feedback to a commons-based infrastructure?

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Andi Search Metaphor Perplexity AI Phind You.com
Can users opt-in to contribute feedback to a commons-based infrastructure?

Sharing feedback from users in a transparent and privacy-preserving manner may improve the larger search landscape. Something like commons-based infrastructures, interfaces, or record repositories already exist for other factors, like IndexNow, Lumen, the ClaimReview schema, robots.txt, the OpenSearch protocol, research datasets and benchmarks, etc.

These are resources that search systems may contribute to, respect, or draw on.
Research shows that search systems already rely heavily on Wikipedia (see especially, McMahon et al. (2017 )).

Note: The proximate cause of adding this criteria was the responses from the CEOs of Perplexity AI and You.com to a Oct 15, 2023 comment from Yann LeCun (Chief AI Scientist at Meta):
Human feedback for open source LLMs needs to be crowd-sourced, Wikipedia style.

It is the only way for LLMs to become the repository of all human knowledge and cultures.

Who wants to build the platform for this?


In response to the question from Yann LeCun, Richard Socher (You.com's CEO) said (on Oct 15, 2023):

I've been saying similar things for a while. We'd be down to help coordinate at you.com and allow users to opt-in to contribute feedback for specific answers..

Sharing feedback from users in a transparent and privacy-preserving manner may improve the larger search landscape. Something like commons-based infrastructures, interfaces, or record repositories already exist for other factors, like IndexNow, Lumen, the ClaimReview schema, robots.txt, the OpenSearch protocol, research datasets and benchmarks, etc.

These are resources that search systems may contribute to, respect, or draw on.
Research shows that search systems already rely heavily on Wikipedia (see especially, McMahon et al. (2017 )).

Note: The proximate cause of adding this criteria was the responses from the CEOs of Perplexity AI and You.com to a Oct 15, 2023 comment from Yann LeCun (Chief AI Scientist at Meta):
Human feedback for open source LLMs needs to be crowd-sourced, Wikipedia style.

It is the only way for LLMs to become the repository of all human knowledge and cultures.

Who wants to build the platform for this?

Can users opt-in to contribute feedback to a commons-based infrastructure?


Can users opt-in to contribute feedback to a commons-based infrastructure?


Can users opt-in to contribute feedback to a commons-based infrastructure?


In response to the question from Yann LeCun, Aravind Srinivas (Perplexity AI's CEO) said (on Oct 15, 2023):

Can users opt-in to contribute feedback to a commons-based infrastructure?


Can users opt-in to contribute feedback to a commons-based infrastructure?


In response to the question from Yann LeCun, Richard Socher (You.com's CEO) said (on Oct 15, 2023):
I've been saying similar things for a while. We'd be down to help coordinate at you.com and allow users to opt-in to contribute feedback for specific answers..